What Then Must We Do?

Can you test your blood for mRNA contamination? Can you detox from it? I ask Sierra Hamm

I speak again with RN and medical-freedom activist Sierra Hamm, about what's going on in the world of protecting the blood supply and helping folks to access blood that is not contaminated with the mRNA product.

We discuss her organization, Reconciliation, and what it's been up to, as well as some legislation she's been helping to develop. We also talk about why blood banks are cracking down on directed donations, and what they really do with all the blood they are given!

Most importantly, we talk about new developments in testing and analysis for blood contamination, and about possible detox protocols. 

There's a lot to be worried about in this realm. Sierra's message here is: There is also lots of reason for hope!

Our earlier interview is here.

Sierra's organization, Reconciliation, is here.

Links to some of what we discussed:


Turn off the production of spike by getting rid of mRNA.

Other detox protocols cannot turn off spike production but they can help get spike out.


Sierra's blog post about this.

History of delaying testing for contamination in the blood supply… leading to thousands of lives ended from blood supply.

The hospital that shut down because they couldn't get enough blood – Yet here they are harvesting blood.

International Gene Therapy Industry:

DARPA Seeking gene editing pros.

Blackrock has bought a blood bank and has $1.5 Billion set up for "new life sciences platform." 

Could Blackrock be investing for CRISPR tech? When people come to grips with the massive bioweapon that was used against them...

CRISPR gene editing companies are being traded on the stock market. 

Assassinated Russian general had exposed gene editing facilities around Ukraine.